401 - 500: "Baltu gentys
V a." (Baltic tribes in the
5th cent.) after Marija
1201 - 1301 "Prussian
Tribes in the 13th Cent."
Cities/castles were built
by Teutonic Knights to
facilitate conquest. Old
Prussian clans of Galin-
dians, Sudovians, Sasna,
and Lubavia as well as
Kulmerland were subjected
to numerous incursions
and conquests by recently
arriving Slavs. From
Renata3 at wikipedia
Dr. M. Toeppen:
"PREUSSEN in der
Heidnischen Teil (pagan
times)," published 1858
1584 [dated] Caspar
Henneberger - Abraham
Ortelius: "PRVSSIÆ..." 18
x 14 inches, Antwerp,
from his "Theatrum Orbis
Terrarum," based on the
work of, and credited to,
Caspar Henneberger. See
versions dated 1593,
1606,1630, 1634, 1640,
1645, 1665, 1681, and
1690. From
1593 Cornelis de Jode:
SARMATIÆ," Antwerp,
18 x 14 inches, from
"Speculum Orbis Terra-
rum," and based on
Henneberger’s 1576
map. A superior, contem-
porary of Ortelius From
1601 Caspar Henne-
berger - Abraham
Ortelius: "Prussiӕ Vera
Descriptio.," Antwerp,
from "Theatrum Orbis
Terrarum." See versions
dated 1584, 1593, 1608,
1630, 1634, 1640, 1645,
1665, 1681, 1690. From
1607 Gerard Mercator -
Hondius - Janssonius
(publishers): "Prussia,"
Amsterdam, 17 x 23 cm,
from "Atlas minor Gerardi
Mercatoris." From
1608 Henneberger
(original mapmaker) -
Abraham Ortelius - J.B.
Vrients (publisher):
"Prussiӕ Vera Descriptio
..," Antwerp, 47 x 37
cm, from "Theatro Del
Mondo Di Abrahamo
Ortelio." From www.
1619 Gerard Mercator:
(mapmaker): "PRVSSIA,
"Amsterdam, 19 x 14.5
inches, from his "Atlas
Sive Cosmographia."
From www.raremaps.com
Caspar Henneberger - Willem Blaeu: "PRVSSIÆ NOVA TABVLÆ," Amsterdam. 39 x 48
cm / 19.5 x 15 inches. The 1630 and 1634 versions are from Blaeu's first atlas:
"Atlantis Appendix..." The 1640 version is from his "Atlas Maior."
1630 Gerard Mercator
(mapmaker) - Pieter Van
Den Keere (engraver) -
J.E. Cloppenburgh
(publisher): "Prussia,"
Amsterdam, 7.5 x 9.8
inches /19.0 x 25.0 cm,
from "Atlas Minor." From
1637 Gerhard Mercator
(mapmaker) - Jodocus
Hondius (original pub-
lisher) - Michaell Sparke
(London publisher):
"Prussia," 15 x 20 cm,
from "Historia mundi: or
Mercator's atlas," second
edition. From
1630 Gerard Mercator
(mapmaker): "Accurata
Prussiæ Descriptio,"
Amsterdam, with
Mercator's "privilege."
From Royal Danish Library:
Caspar Henneberger (oroginal cartographer) - Jan (II) Jansson (publisher): "Prvssia
Accvrate Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg Erlichensi," Amsterdam, 19 x 15 inches.
1647-50 Caspar Henneberger (original cartographer) -
Jan (II) Jansson (intermediate publisher) - W. & J. Blaeu
(publisher): "Prvssia Accvrate Descripta a Gasparo
Henneberg Erlichensi," Amsterdam, 19 x 15 inches,
from "Toonneel des Aerdrycx, ofte nieuwe Atlas..." Text
on verso is Dutch.
1665 Caspar Henne-
berger (original carto-
grapher) - Willem Blaeu
(publisher): "PRVSSIÆ
Amsterdam, 19.5 x 15
inches, from Blaeu's
"Atlas Maior." From
1640 https://antique-maps.lt/
Caspar Henneberger (historian/original mapmaker in
1576) - Claes Visscher (revising mapmaker in 1630) -
Nicolaes Visscher II (publisher, who received the
"privilege" noted in the cartouche in 1682): "Tabula
PRUSSIÆ eximia cura conscripta..." Amsterdam, 45 x
54 cm., from his "Atlas Minor." Based on a 1576 nine-
sheet map of Prussia by Henneberger. In the lower left
corner engraver's signature: "A Goos sculpsit." In the
upper left corner there is an inset view of "Konigsberg."
1689 [dated] Giacomo
Cantelli da Vignola
(cartographer) - Antonio
Barbey (engraver) -
Giovanni Giacomo di
Rossi (publisher): "La
Prussia divisa in reale
che appartiene al re di
Polonia," Rome, 43 x 58
cm, from di Rossi's
"Mercurio Geografico."
From the National Library of
Poland via www.mapywig.org
1641 Henneberger - Jan-
sson - Hondius (publisher):
"Prussia Accurate De-
scripta..." from "...Nouvel
Atlas..." From
1651 Gerard Mercator
(mapmaker) - Jan
Jansson (publisher):
"PRVSSIA," 7.5 x 5.7
inches /19.1 x 14.5 cm,
from "Atlas Minor." From
1627 David Custos
(engraver/mapmaker) -
Raphael Custos (engraver
/publisher): "Prvssia Lat.
Prevssen Ger." Augsburg,
12 x 10 1/2 inches. From
1680 Caspar Henneberger (original
cartographer) - S. & E.S. Hamersveldt
(engravers) - Jan (II) Jansson, Moses Pitt
(publishers): "PRUSSIA Accurate
Descripta," Oxford, 14.8 x 19.1 inches,
from Pitt's "The English Atlas." From
National Library of Poland, via www.mapywig.org
c. 1690 - 1706 Frederick de Wit
(engraver/publisher): "Ducatus Prussiæ,
tam Polono Regiæ..," Amsterdam. Wit
acquired his 'cum privilegio" in 1688, and
this map, with it, is the second edition.
Wit's widow, Maria, continued the
business after Wit's death in 1706, until
1709, when the remaining stock and
plates were sold to Pieter Mortier, Pieter
can der Aa, and Louis Renard. Covens and
Mortier republished Wit's maps until
1763. From the Royal Danish Library: www.kb.dk
c. 1696 David Funck
(publisher) - Johann
Joachim Püschel
(engraver): "Magnӕ
Prussiӕ Ducatus Tabula
denuo correcta et in
lucem edita..," Nurem-
berg, 21.5 x 18.5 inches.
Funck commissioned
maps from J.B. Homann,
and had Püschel re-
engrave this one, in
editions from 1680 to
1700. www.raremaps.com
c. 1701-14 J.B. Homann (engraver/
geographer /publisher): "Regnum
Borussiae..Norembergae." From Royal Danish
Library: www.kb.dk
c. 1701-09 J. B. Homann (engraver/
geographer /publisher): "Regnum
Borussiæ..Norimbergæ." 47 x 55 cm. From
the Univ. of Chicago: www.luna.lib.uchicago.edi
c. 1701-14 J. B. Homann (engraver/
geographer /publisher): "Regnum
Borussiæ..Norimbergæ." From Royal Danish
Library: www.kb.dk
1694 Philip Cluver
"Prussiӕ Nova Tabula,"
London. From Gzsmith on
1711 Philipp Cluver
(historical geographer) -
John Harris (engraver):
"Prussiӕ Nova Tabula,"
London, 12.9 x 10.3
inches, from his "Intro-
ductio in Universam
Geographiam." From
c. 1715-24 J. B. Homann (engraver/
geographer /publisher): "Regnum
Borussiæ..Norimbergæ." 47 x 55 cm.
Differs from the earlier image above of the
same map by the addition of Homann's
"Cum Privilegio..," which he received in
1715, in the cartouche. From Royal Danish
Library: www.kb.dk
c. 1715-24 J. B. Homann (engraver/
geographer /publisher): "Regnum
Borussiæ..Norimbergæ." Differs from the
earlier image above of the same map by
the addition of Homann's "Cum
Privilegio..," which he received in 1715, in
the cartouche. From Royal Danish Library:
1735 [dated] J.F. Betgen - Homann Heirs
(publishers): "Pontentissimo Borussorum Regi
Friderico Wilhelmo Majestate, Fortitudine
Clementia Augutissimo Hancce Lithuaniam
Borussicam..," Nürnberg, 49 x 58.5 cm., in
versions as a combined and separated map,
from Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr's "Atlas
novus celestis."
1744 Matthaus Seutter (publisher) - Jacob
Christoph Weyerman (mapmaker) -
Andrea Silbereisen (engraver): "Borussiӕ
Regnum..," Augsburg, 20 x 26 cm, from
"Atlas minor..." From www.davidrumsey.com
1740 Johann Georg Schreiber (engraver/
geographer/publisher): "Das Königreich
Preussen nebst dem Polnischen Antheil,:
Leipzig, 17 x 25 cm, from the first edition
of his "Atlas selectus von allen
Konigreichen und Landern der Welt : zum
bequemen Gebrauch in Schulen, auf
Reisen und bey dem Lesen der Zeitungen.
Verfertiget und in Kupffer gestochen
von... (Atlas of kingdoms and countries
around the world, to convenient use in
schools, on trips and the reader of
newspapers, prepared and engraved by...).
A second edition was published 1749. From
1745 Reinier (publisher) & Joshua
(engraver) Ottens: "Regni Borussiae
Secundum Observationes Novissima,
Acuratissima Descriptio." Amsterdam, 46
x 61cm / 17.9 x 23.8 inches, in the first
state, from "Atlas sive Geographia
compendiosa..." With an inset map of
"Koningsberg." From www.sanderusmaps.com
1749 [dated 1748] Didier Robert de
Vaugondy (mapmaker/publisher): "Roy-
aume de Prusse et Prusse Rle. ou Polonoise"
Paris, 6.5 x 7.5 inches, from his "Atlas
Portatif, Universel et Militaire..." From
1751 [dated] Didier Robert de Vaugondy
(mapmaker) - Guillaume-Nicolas Delahaye
(engraver): "La Prusse divisee en Prusse
Royale, et Prusse Ducale laquelle a ete
erigee en Royaume par l'Empereur
Leopold..," Paris, 24 x 19.5 inches. From
www. raremaps.com
1752 Johann Baptist Homann (engraver/
cartographer/publisher): "Regnum
Borussiae," Nuremberg, 50 x 59 cm, from
his second school atlas: "Major Atlas
Scholasticus." His first school atlas: "Atlas
Methodicus," 1719, had blank maps, while
his second used maps that appeared in his
other atlases. From www.davidrumsey.com
1753 Friedrich Gottlieb Berger (engraver) -
Leonhard Euler - (mapmaker): "BORUSSIA
REGIA et DUCALIS..," Berlin, 41 x 31 cm,
from his "Geographischer Atlas," meant for
students. Note the two Prussian-owned
(1691 - 1793) areas colored reddish-purple
east of the Memel region: "Herrschaft
Tauroggen" (Tauragė) and "Herrschaft
Serrey" (Seirijai): compensation to Prussia
for the marriage of Margrave Ludwig of
Brandenburg to Princess Ludwika Karolina
Radziwiłł. From www.davidrumsey.com
1763 Jan Władysław Suchodolec (architect/surveyor/
cartographer) - Homann Heirs (publisher): the top
left and right maps of six unjoined sheets, the title
beginning on the top left map and ending on the
second map - "Regnum Borussiæ episcopatus
Warmiensis, palatinatus Mariaeburgensis et
ichnographia urbis REGIOMANTIS Ausp. Acad. Reg.
Scient. Ber. N.p. 1763," Berlin, 60.6 x 51.8 cm,
dated on the map 1730, perhaps its initial
publication date.
Universitätsbibliothek Bern: www.swissbib.ch
1775 [dated] Franz
Ludwig Güssefeld (
engraver) - Homann
Heirs (publishers):
"Tabula Regni
Borussiae Borussiam
Nuremberg, 60 x 46
cm. From www.
1782 [dated 1781]
Giovanni Pitteri
(mapmaker) - Giuliano
Zuliani (engraver) -
Antonio Zatta (publisher):
"Il Regno di Prussia con la
Prussia Polacca : Di nuova
Projezione..." Venice, 31 x
41 cm, from Zatta's
"Atlante novissimo..." a
four-volume atlas that was
Italy's most comprehensive
in the 18th century. From
1800 Franz Anton Schrämbl (carto-
grapher) - Joseph Philipp Schalbacher
(publisher): "Ost Preussen I.Bl.," Vienna,
48 x 59 cm, from his "Algemeiner Grosser
Atlas," begun in 1786, completed in 1800.
From www.davidrumsey.com
c. 1790 Edme Mentelle:
"N° 4 (bis) Dantzig," Paris,
79.9 x 56.8 cm, possibly
from "Carte de l'ancien
royaume de Pologne,"
published with P.G.
Chanlaire. From Old Times
Rare Antiquarian Books: cesgia
on eBay
1791 Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly:
"Das König- reich Preussen..," Vienna,
21 x 28,. cm., from "Atlas Schauplatz
der Fünf Theile der Welt ..." From
Antiquariat Daša Pahor http://www.pahor.de
1791 Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: "Des
Königreichs Preussen nördlichster Theil,
Nro.56," 22.5 x 27.5 cm / 8.8 x 10.8
inches. From matter.of.things. antiques on eBay
1792 Jan Barend Elwe: "Regni Borussiae
Secun- dum Observationes Novissima
Accuratissima Descriptio," Amsterdam,
18.5 x 24 inches. From www.raremaps.com
1796 Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly:
"XXV. Karte von Koenigreiche Preussen,"
Vienna, from "Grosser Deutscher Atlas."
Note areas labeled "Litauen." From
1799 John Cary: "A New Map of the
Kingdom of Prussia..." London, from
"Cary's New Universal Atlas." From
1803 Friedrich Leopold von Schrötter (Prussian minister
sponsoring the map) - Carl Jäck (artist/engraver): "Karte von
Alt-Preussen enthaltend Ost-Preusen nebst Preussisch
Lithauen...1796 bis 1802," Berlin, 200 x 310 cm. The first
edition of a 25-sheet map, each sheet mounted on linen.
Individual sheets are 16.5 x 22.2 inches / 42.0 x 56.5 cm.
From www.davidrumsey.com
1807 [dated] Giovanni Antonio
Rizzi-Zannoni (geographer): "Polen in die
dermaligen Besitzungen eingetheilt..No.
85," Vienna. From the National Library of
Finland: http://www.doria.fi/
1808 Robert Wilkinson: "PRUSSIA,"
London, 24 x 29 cm, from his "A
General Atlas," published from 1800 to
1816. From www.davidrumsey.com
1808 [dated 1799] John Cary: "A New
Map of the Kingdom of Prussia..," London,
18.5 x 20.5 inches, prepared for the 1808
edition of "Cary's New Universal Atlas."
From geographicus via wikimedia
1812 John Pinkerton: "Prussian
Dominions," Edinburgh, 28 x 20 inches,
showing "New East Prussia," the eastern
half of which are Grand Duchy lands lost
in th Third, 1795, Partition. From
F.A. Witzleben, Hauptman im Generalstabe Berlin: "Karte von dem REGRZ.
GUMBINNEN" (East Prussia) From http://english.mapywig.org/news.php
1792 [dated] Rigobert
Bonne: "Royaume de
Prusse," 9.13 x 21.26
inches, Venice, after
Santini, from “Atlas
Portatif a l'usage des
colleges, pour servir a
l'intelligence des auteurs
classiques...." From www.
1742 [dated] Jean Lattre (engraver/
mapmaker) - Georges-Louis Le Rouge
(publisher): "Le Royaume de Prusse,
Suivant les Nouvelles Observations,"
Paris, 21 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches, from "Atlas
Geographique contenant la Mappemonde
et les quatre parties, avec les differents
Etats, avec apprpbation & privilage du
Roy ." From www.davidrumsey.com
1601 Abraham Ortelius
(mapmaker) - Johannes
Baptista Vrients
(publisher): "Prussiae
Decriptio.," Antwerp, 4 x
3.5 inches, from the first
edition of Ortelius'
"Epitome." From
1616 Petrus Bertius
(mapmaker) - Jodocus
Hondius II (engraver):
PRUSSIA," Amsterdam,
9.7 x 13.5 cm, from the
pocket atlas "Tabularum
contractarum..." From
1659 [dated] Nicolas
Sanson: - (mapmaker/
publisher) - Jean Somer
(engraver): " La Prusse
Duche divisee en Royale
et Ducale La Royale,"
Paris, 21 x 16 inches.
From www.raremaps.com
1697 Philipp Cluver (geographer):
"Prussiӕ Nova Tabula," Amsterdam, 13 x
10.5 inches. Possibly engraved by Petrus
Bertius. From www.raremaps.com
c. 1727-30 Matthaus Seutter (publisher):
"Borussiӕ Regnum..," Augsburg, 53 x 63
cm. From www.davidrumsey.com
1762 Tobias Lobeck
(mapmaker/publisher) -
Tobias Conrad Lotter
(engraver): "Borussiӕ
Regnum cum adjacentibus
regionibus." Augsburg, 11
x 13 cm., from the pocket
atlas "Atlas Geographicus
Portatilis." From www.
c. 1695 Justus Danckerts (geographer/
engraver/publisher): "Ducatus Prussiæ tam
Polono Regiæ quam Ducalis Brandenburgo
Novissima Descriptio in tres Palatinatus et
Ducalis et Minores Dominia," Amsterdam.
From National Library of Poland via
1778 [dated] Robert de
Vaugondys (original
cartographers) - Paolo
Santini (re-issuing
cartographer) - Remondini
(publisher): "La Prusse,"
Venice, 49 x 63 cm. From
1806 [dated] Weimar Geographische
Institut (publisher): "Charte von dem
Königreiche Preuss en Ost-West-Süd-und
Neu-Ost-Preußen," Weimar. From
c. 1810 [dated 1796 bis 1802]
Friedrich Leopold von Schrötter
(Prussian sponsor) - Carl Jäck
(artist/engraver): "Karte von Alt-
Preussen..." From www.elibrary.mab.lt
1915 (Anon.): "Postleitkarte (Postcode map) Königsberg pr. Gumbinnen," Berlin,
with 11 DETAIL images of the legends and the Memel/Klaipėda area, showing post
offices and railways by type.
1917 "Ostpreussen"
1853 [dated] Lt. L. Renner
(military cartographer) - Joseph
Meyer (publisher): "Provinz Ost-
Preussen," Hildburghausen,
Germany, 27 x 19 cm, from
"Meyer's Zeitungs und Grosch-
en Atlas." From
1888 Karl Sohr (fictitious name used
by Friedrich H. Handtke to conceal
his youth and lack of credentials) to
be an editor) - Heinrich Berghaus
(geographer/cartographer ) -
Friedrich Handtke (primary
cartographer) - H.J. Klein (author) -
Carl Flemming (publisher):
"OSTPREUSSEN," Glogau, 42 x 34
cm., from the "Sohr-Berghaus
Hand-Atlas uber alle Theile der
Erde." From www.davidrumsey.com
1850 Karl Sohr (fictitious name
used by Friedrich H. Handtke to
conceal his youth and lack of
credentials) to be an editor) -
Heinrich Berghaus (geographer/
cartographer): "OST-PREUSSEN,"
Glogau, 45 x 37 cm, from
"Vollständiger Hand- Atlas der
neueren Erdbeschreibung."
From odetowhitman on eBay
1800 Franz Anton Schrämbl (carto-
grapher) - Joseph Philipp Schal-
bacher (publisher): "Ost Preussen
I.Bl.," Vienna, a composite map from
his "Algemeiner Grosser Atlas."
Heinrich Zell (original mapmaker): "PRVSSIAE DESCRIPTIO..," a four-sheet map he produced after traveling through Prussia,
and the basis for maps by Münster (1550), Ortelius (from 1570), and Henneberger (from 1576), and de Jode (1578).
1542 Zell www.copernicus.torun.pl
1595 Zell www.philographikon.com/ mapspoland.html
1925 Dr. H. Haack (atlas editor) -
Justes Perthes (publisher): "Ost-
preußen" (4.9 MB), Gotha, from
"Stieler's Atlas of Modern Geo-
graphy, Tenth (Centenary)
Edition." Notable for all the dotted
line borders between the Memel-
land and Lithuania, as well as for
lableling "Polangen" as part of
Kurland, but coloring it within
Lithuanian borders. From
1789 [dated] (Vincenzo) Pazzini Carli
(publisher) - A. Costa, et al, after
Bartolomeo Borghi (mapmakers): "Il Regno
Di Prussia," Siena, 12.5 x 9 inches, from
what appears to be Pazzini Carli's only
atlas: "Atlante novissimo." From
1603 Abraham Ortelius
- Ieames Shawe (publish-
er): "PRVSSIA," London,
from "Abraham Ortelius
his epitome of the theater
of the worlde. Nowe latlye
...renewed and augment-
ed." From The New York
Public Library: https://digital
c. 1710 Petrus Schenk I (publisher): "Regni
Prussici Accuratissima Delineatio Studio
Opera," Amsterdam, 19.1 x 22.8 inches /
48.5 x 58.0 cm. From www.swaen.com
1581 Ortelius www.raremaps.com
1837 Wilhelm Fischer
(cartographer) - Friedrich
Wilhelm Streit (designer) -
W. Nattorff & Comp.
(publisher): "Ost Preussen,"
Berlin, 28 x 22 cm, from
Volume 2 of "Historischer
und geographischer Atlas
von Europa." Depicts not
only towns and roads, but
castles, post offices, canals,
and universities. From
1624 J. Harris (engraver) -
Philipp Cluver (publisher):
"Prussiæ nova tabula,"
London, 10.6 x 13.3 inches,
based on Henneberger's
map, from Senex's
"Introductio in Universam
Geographicam." From
1825 Wilhelm Ernst August Schlieben
(geographer) - Georg Joachim Goschen
(publisher): "VIII. PROV: OSTPREUSSEN," from
"Atlas von Europa nebst den Kolonien..," Leipzig,
published 1825-30. From www.davidrumsey.com
1588 Sebastian Munster:
"Prussen," 5.5 x 3.5
inches, from "Cosmo-
graphia." (See "Neman"/
Nemunas River up top,
along with Neringa and
Memel/Klaipeda area.)
From Beach Antique Maps &
Prints: cesgia on eBay
1594 Sebastian Münster
(original mapmaker) -
Matthias Quad
(re-engraver) -
Bussemacher, (publisher):
"Prussiæ Descriptio..,"
Köln, 11.1 x 13.9, from
Quad's "Europae..." From
1800 [dated] Daniel Friedrich Sotzman
(geographer) - Carl Jäck (engraver) -
Simon Schropp (publisher): "General Karte
von Ost- West- Süd- und Neu-Ostpreussen,"
Berlin. New East Prussia existed from
1795 - 1807. From www.mapywig.org
1811 Darżalski Rys: "Mapa Księstwa
Warszawskiego..," Kraków, ; 46 x 54 cm
manuascript map. From www.polona.pl
1807 [dated] Daniel Friedrich Sotzman
(geographer) - Schneider u. Weiglische
Kunst- und Buchhandlung (publisher):
"Generalkarte vom Königreich Preussen,
u.d. Herz. Warschau," Nürnberg, 56.5 x
66.5 cm. From www.polona.pl
UWM Libraries: https:// collections.lib.uwm.edu/
c. 1800 Daniel Friedrich Sotzman
(geographer): "Ost Preussen," from
"Atlas der Preussischen Provinzen."
From Münster Univ.- und Landesbib- liothek:
1794 [dated] John Roberts (geographer/
engraver) - Robert Sayer (original
publisher, in 1789) - Laurie & Whittle
(publisher): "The Kingdom of Prussia, and
its Newly Incorporated Province of Polish
Prussia..," London, 26 x 20 inches. From
1822 Friedrich Haller von Hallerstein
(cartographer) - Christian Gottlieb
Theophil Reichard (cartographer) -
Friedrich Campe (publisher): "Charte vom
Königreich Polen und Preussen,"
Nürnberg, 25 x 29 cm, from "Neuer
Hand-Atlas über alle Theile der Erde..."
From www.davidrumsey.com
1743 Samuel, Baron von Pufendorf
(Swedish historian, 1632-94): "La Prusse,"
13 x 15.5 cm, in a very late version of his
map. From antique prints on eBay.de
1875 Friedrich H. Handtke
(cartographer/engraver) - Carl
Flemming (publisher): "OST-
PREUSSEN," Glogau, 38 x 29
cm, from the 6th Comprehen-
sive edition of the "Sohr-Berg-
haus Hand-Atlas der neuen
Erdbeschreibung in 100
Blattern." "Sohr" was the
fictitious name of Handtke,
Berghaus made a minor
contribution in 1846, but the
name of the atlas had "brand"
value. From
1647 Abraham Ortelius:
Venice, from Pietro
Querini's 1647 edition of
Abraham Ortelius'
"Theatro del Mondo."
1734 Mercator (original mapmaker) -
Pieter Van Den Keere (original engraver) -
J.E. Cloppenburgh (1630 publisher) - Henri
Du Sauzet (1734 publisher): "Prussia"
Amsterdam. Three difference from the
1630 version: blank verso instead of text;
a page number: 103, added to the upper
right corner; four ships in the Baltic Sea.
From "“Atlas Portatif Composé de
CCLXXXV Cartes..." From www.rcin.org
1847 [dated] Major Carl Christian Franz
Radefeld (cartographer) - Verlag des
Bibliographischen Instituts (publisher):
"Ost-und West Preussen. Nach den besten
Quellen" (...from the best sources),
Hildburghausen. From "Meyer's Grosser
Hand-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde in
170 Karten." Radefeld was the chief
cartographer for Joseph Meyer's
publishing house, Geographisch Anstalt.
From www.davidrumsey.com
1794 [dated] Robert Wilkinson (publisher):
"A New Map of Prussia from the best
Authorities," London, 11.5 x 9 inches. From
Pre-History Caspar
Henneberger (historian/
mapmaker): "Des Preuss-
erlan." (The Prussians, in
pre-history) Königsberg,
from his 1584 history of
Prussia. This is a reduced
version of his 1576 nine
-sheet map, the basis
for many later versions
by mapmakers. From
1570 Ortelius www.davidrumsey.com
1589 Mercator British Library: www.bl.uk
1575 Quad www.oshermaps.org
1787 Rigobert Bonne
with Desmarest):
"Royaume de Prusse," Paris,
23.5 x 34cm., from "Atlas
Encyclopédique contenant
la Géographie Ancienne."
See the dated 1792 version.
From danievanderstruij0 on ebay
via vatican.com
1763 Andrew Dury
(publisher): "Kingdom of
Prussia," London, 11 x 13
cm, from the pocket
atlas "A New General
and Universal Atlas
Containing Forty five
Maps By Andrew Dury.
Engraved by Mr. Kitchin
& others" (J. Spilsbury
and J. Ellis) in what
may be a copy of a
French atlas. From