Maps: 1777 - 1786
1778 Claude Buffier: "LA
POLOGNE, Suivant les
degrez de l'Academie des
Sciences de Paris," 5.5 x 7
inches, from "Geographie
Universelle." From
1778 T.C. Lotter
(engraver) - Matthaus
Seutter - Johann Martin
Will (publisher): "Polon-
iæ Regnum ut et Magni
Ducat Lithuaniæ..,"
Augsburg, 10 x 8.3
c. 1780 Guillaume Delisle - Philippe Buache: "LA POLOGNE
Dressee sur ce qu'en ot donne Starovolsk, Beauplan,
Hartnoch..," Paris, 18.8 x 24.3 inches / 47.9 x 61.8 cm. in the
8th state: the cartouche, dated 1780, has replaced the word
"Royale" (as part of Deslisle's membership in de l'Academie
Royale des Sciences") with a double bar, a consequence of the
French Revolution. The map, based on a plate over 70 years
old, has been updated with First, 1772, Partition coloring.
1780 Gilles Robert de
Vaugondy: "POLOGNE."
18.5 x 16 cm. / 7.25 x
6.25 inches, without the
"Avec Privilege" in the
1780's editions below.
c. 1780 Antonio Zatta: "Il Regno di Polonia con le
Provincie ora possedute dalle Tre confinati potenze
Prussia Russia e Casa d'Austria," Venice. Smaller format
than the usual Zatta atlas map -- this was probably for
a travel atlas.
1781 -82 Giovanni Antonio Rizzi-Zannoni (geographer/cartographer) - Giuliano Zuliani - (map engraver) - Giovanni Pitteri (script
engraver) - Antonio Zatta (publisher): "Atlante Polacco " (Atlas of Poland), Venice, from which these five maps came:
1782 John Abraham Bayly: "Poland," London, 220 x
275 mm, from William Frederick Martyn's Geograph-
ical Magazine, in two differently-colored versions.
1782 [dated] Nicolas de Fer (original mapmaker, publisher, 1716, 1736) - Peter Starck-
man (original engraver) - Louis-Charles Desnos (publisher, 1760, 1782): "LES ÉTATS DE
LA COURONNE DE POLOGNE..," Paris, 18.5 x 23.2 inches / 47.0 x 59.0 cm, in a late
state of a map first published by de Fer in 1716. All four states of the plate are dated.
1783 [dated] Jean Lattré (engraver/publisher) -
Rigobert Bonne (cartographer): "ROYAUMES DE
POLOGNE ET DE PRUSSE , avec privilège du Roi, "
Paris, 7 x 10 inches, from Lattré's "Atlas
encyclopédique." Depicts the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth after the First, 1772, Partition. See
the 1893 version, still dated 1783, with "du Roi" erased
from the plate thanks to the French Revolution.
1784 Thomas Kitchin: "Poland with its Dismember'd
Provinces," London, 16.3 x 19.9 inches /41.5 x 50.5
1785 Jan Barend Elwe:
...," Amsterdam, 19.125 x
24.25 inches. From
1785 Louis Brion de la
BLANCHE, dismembre de
la Pologne," Paris, 9 x 11
inches. From
1785 C. Dilly & G. Robinson: "POLAND,
Shewing the Claims of RUSSIA, PRUSSIA &
AUSTRIA from the beft Authorities,"
London, 14 x 12 inches. From
c. 1783 Didier Robert de Vaugondy: "Le Royaume de
Pologne divise en Duches et Provinces...," Paris, 50.0 x 56
cm., depicting lands lost from the First, 1772, Partition.
Robert de Vaugondy's "privilege, granted 1752, has been
erased from the plate.
"Li Palatinati di Wilna, Troki..,"
"Nowogrodek, Polachia e Brzesk Littew" From wikimedia
"Minsk, Mscislaw, Polok e Witebsk, Nella Littuania"
1785 Thomas Kitchin:
"Poland, Lithuania and
Prussia. Drawn from
the latest Authorities," 7 x
8.5 inches, from Guthrie's
"Geographical Grammar."
Compare with the 1773
and 1782 versions.
From bertius on eBay
1781 Louis Brion de la Tour (geographer/cartographer) - Joseph de Laporte (publisher): "Carte générale de la POLOGNE
avec tous les Etats qui y sont annexés," Paris, 9 x 7 inches / 17.8 x 21.7 cm, from his "Atlas Moderne Portatif," which
had additional editions published in 1786, 1801 and 1814.
1782 John Fielding (publisher) - John
Cary (cartographer/engraver): "A
New Map of POLAND from the lateft
Obfer.," London, 7.5 x 11 inches / 19
x 28 cm. From
1784 John Abraham Bayly: "A
London, 10.5 x 8 inches, from
the 1784 version of William
Frederick Martyn's Geograph-
ical Magazine. From Beach Antique
Maps & Prints on eBay
1780 Jean Janvier - Jean Lattre:
CURLANDE..." Paris, 25.5 x 18.5
inches. Also three DETAIL images.
First issued 1760, updated through
1780. (See the 1774 version on the
previous page.) From cesgia on eBay
1779 Thomas Bowen:
7 x 8.625 inches.
Compare with 1773
version. From
fineantiquemaps on eBay
1782 Thomas Jeffreys
(engraver) - Thomas Sal-
mon (historian): "Poland
Lithuania and Prussia,"
2nd Edinburgh edition of
"The new universal
geographical grammar..."
From Beach Antique Maps &
Prints on eBay
1784 J.H. Schneider -
Jean-Marie Bruyset:
"XVII" (Poland & Lithu-
ania) Lyon, 10 x 12 cm,
from "Atlas des enfans,
ou nouvelle methode
pour apprendre la Geo-
graphie." From
1785 Samuel J. Neele (engraver): "PRESENT
POLAND, PRUSSIA &s," London, 12.5 x 7.5
inches / 32 x 19 cm, copper engraving
published by T. Stackhouse. Also a DETAIL
image. The Neele family were engravers and
publishers who worked with and for many
other publishers: Faden, Laurie, Leard,
Playfair and Thomson, among others. From
old-leaf on eBay
1782 Thomas Kitchin: "Poland, Lithuania and Prussia,
Drawn from the latest authorities," London, 8 3/8 x 7
1/4 inches. Compare with versions from 1773 and 1785.
1778 Tobias Conrad Lot-
ter: "Magnus ducatus
Lithuania..." Augsburg,
from his "Atlas geograph-
ique." From U.S. Library of
"Ducati di Livonia ..." www.davidrumsey .com
1780 Crepy Family:
Partie Orientale," Paris.
c. 1782 Thomas Kitchin - John Knox, Edward and Charles Dilly, George Robinson
(publishers/booksellers): "Poland, Lithuania and Prussia," London, 6.8 x 8.3 inches /
17.2 x 21.0 cm. Kitchin is identified as the engraver in the lower right of the plate,
below the frameline.
1780 "Могилевскаго..."
(Mogilev gubernia), formed
in 1772, after the First
partition of the Grand
Duchy, from parts of the
provinces of Witebsk,
Mścisław, Połock and
Livonia. From
1783 Lt. Commander Sergey Pleshcheyev:
"Travel map of Imperial Highness the Grand
Duke Paul and Grand Duchess Maria
Feodorovna ... in 1781 and 1782 respectively /
composition according to the latest observa-
tions of the longitude and latitude of the most
illustrious in Europe in the former site of the
retinue of their Imperial Highnesses," St
Petersbug, 108 х 134 cm. Clearly, inspect-
ing the lands newly annexed by Russia from
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania following the
First Partition of 1772. From the National
Library of Russia:
"La Polonia Divisa ne’suoi
Palatinati Tracta dall'
Atlante Polacco…" 32.5 x
42 cm. From www.
1783 W.A. Bachiene - J. van Jagen, based on a map by Emanuel
Bowen: "Nieuwe...kaart van 't Koningrijk Polen en 't Groot
Hertogdom Lithauwen..." ( of the Kingdom of Poland
and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania...), Amsterdam, 34 x 42 cm.
1786 [dated] Rigobert
Bonne - Grenet: "Carte du
Royaume de Pologne et et
du Grand Duche de
Lithuanie," from Grenet's
"Atlas Portatif." From
aproposdefleurs* on eBay
1786 Claude Buffier:
"LA POLOGNE," with
"Lemarie a Liege"
below the left
1786 [dated} Louis Brion de la Tour (cartographer) - Louis-Charles Desnos (publisher):
"Etats de Pologne et de Lithuanie: Divisés par Palaunats et Provinces Ecclésiastiques
avec le Roiaume de Prusse et le Duché de Curlande," Paris, 28 x 31 cm, from "Atlas
général, civil, ecclesiastique et militaire: méthodique et élémentaire pour l'etude de la
géographie et de l'histoire," first published 1766, with later editions in 1772, 1782 and
the one from which these maps came.
Louis Brion de la Tour (cartographer) - Joseph de Laporte (publisher): "Carte Générale de la POLOGNE avec tous les
Etats qui y sont annexés.," 10 x 8.25 inches / 25 x 21 cm. The 1786 versions are from "Atlas Portatif," the 1787 is
from "Atlas ou Collection de Cartes Geographiques pour l'Intelligence du Voyageur Francois."
c. 1786-88 Jacob Keizer (original engraver) - Jacob de
Lat (original Deventer publisher) - N.T. Gravius
(Amsterdam publisher): "t'Koninkryk Polen," plate 18 x
24 cm, for Gravius' "Nieuwe Zak...en Reis-Atlas."
1786 Richard Turner:
"Poland and Prussia," Lon-
don, 4 x 3 inches, from
his "A New and Easy
Intro- duction to
Universal Geo- graphy."
From bertius on eBay
1786 Jean Janvier: "Les Royaumes de
Pologne et de Prusse Avec Le Duche de
Curlande Divises en Provinces et
Palatinats...," Paris, 25.5 x 18.5 inches.
First issued 1760, see the versions from
1774 and 1780. From
1781 [dated] Jan van
Jagen - Covens et Mortier:
"Carte Generale et Itiner-
aire de la Pologne," Am-
sterdam. See 1793 update.
1782 John Fielding (publisher) - John Cary (engraver): "POLAND, shewing the claims
of AUSTRIA, RUSSIA & PRUSSIA," London, in three versions images, none of which
have been colored to depict the claimss mentioned in the title, which refers to the
First, 1772, Partition.
1785 Antonio Zatta:
"Ducati di Livonia,
e di Estonia e Governi
Nowo Gorod, Bielo-
gorod ...Nell..." Venice,
31 x 41 cm, dated
1882, published in
"Atlante Novissimo."
From the National Library
of Estonia:
c. 1784 Robert de Vaugondy Family
(geographers /mapmakers/publish-
ers) - Dussy (engraver): "Royaume
de Pologne," Paris, 9 3/4 x 11 1/2
inches. From lookusover on eBay
1780 Jean-Baptiste-Louis Clouet
(mapmaker): "Du Roy de Prusse -
Duche de Lithuanie," Paris, sheet 58
x 40 cm, from his school atlas
"Géographie moderne." Compare
with versions from 1787 and 1791
editions. From odetowhitman on eBay
1780 John Barber:
"Poland, Corrected &
Improved from the best
Authorities," London.
From sharp340 on eBay
schilb_antiquarian_books on eBay
1777 Leonhard Euler:
"Tabula Geographica
13 x 15 inches, from the
third edition of Euler's
school atlas. From
1780 Louis Brion de la Tour (geo-
grapher) - Moutard (publisher):
"Carte des la Lithuanie, de la Cour-
lande et de la Nouvelle Russie
Blanche..," 35.4 x 25.4 cm. From
"Histoire universelle depuis le
commence- ment du monde jusqu a
present." From cesgia on eBay
Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences:
1787 antiquepapercompany on eBay
1784 [dated 1776] Paolo Santini (original cartographer) - Homann Heirs
(original publishers) - Giuseppe Antonio Remondini (cartographer/current
publisher): "Carte de la LITHUANIE RUSSIENNE..." Venice, 22 x 17.5
inches, in two versions showing lands lost by the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania in the First, 1772, Partition. The map was published in
Remondini's "Atlas Universel dresse sur des Meillieures Cartes Modernes,"
which featured re-engraved plates from those of Robert de Vaugondy's
"Atlas Universel." This map differs from the 1776 Homann Heirs version
only in the last line of the cartouche, where you find an awkwardly
engraved "Chez M. Remondini."
1780 Giovanni Zempel
(publisher): "Polonia
Secondo le Osservazioni..,"
Rome, 5.7 x 6.9 inches,
based on Buffier, from
"Atlante Novissimo."
Samuel John Neele (engraver): "Present Poland, Prussia
&c. / engrav'd by S.J. Neele." London, 37 x 40 cm,
from Thomas Stackhouse's "Universal atlas," published
in five editions, from 1783 - 96. Neither these two
versions, nor the 1785 version below, show results of the
First, 1772, Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian
1783 - 1796 Beinecke Library:
1778 [dated] J. Young
(geographer) - W. Faden
(Edinburgh publisher):
"Poland, From the best
Authorities," London/
Edinburgh, 24 x 28 cm.
From www.david
c. 1786 Vilnius Univ. Library:
1780 Giovanni Antonio
Rizzi-Zannoni: "Carte
Generale de la
Pologne...," Paris,
12 x 18 inches,in the 4th
State, from the 1791 edition
of Bonne and Lattre's "Atlas
Moderne." From
c. 1783 Rigobert Bonne: -
Gaspard André (engraver):
"Royaume de Pologne, et
Duche de Lithuanie," Paris,
41 x 29 cm, not depicting
losses from the First, 1772,
Partition of the Polish-
Lithuanian Common-
wealth. From
antiquariat-voelkel on
Antiquariat Steffen Völkel: antiquariat-voelkel on
1777 Louis Brion de la
Tour (cartographer) -
Joseph de Laporte (pub-
lisher): "Carte générale de
la POLOGNE..," Paris,
23.5 x 19 cm, from
Laporte's “Atlas moderne."
From odetowhitman on eBay
1783 Johann Michael Probst (engraver/
publisher): "Mappa geographica ex
novissimis observationibus repraesentans
Regnum Poloniӕ et Magnum Ducatum
Lithuaniӕ,” Augsburg, 47 x 56.5 cm, in
an acquired Seutter map republished with
the Probst name. From
1783 [dated] Otto Friedrich von Pistohl-
kors Elder (cartographer): "Darstellung der
neuen auf Kaiserlichen Befehl 1783
errichteten Revalschen und Rigischen
Statthalterschaften (ehemals die
Herzogthümer Ehstland u. Liefland)..," via wikimedia
1780 Benedictus Le Francq
(printer): "XVII" [Polish-
Lithuanian Commonwealth],
Brussels, 15 x 16 cm, from
"Nieuwen Atlas der Jeugd
..." (New Atlas for Youth),
the Dutch translation of the
1779 French edition. From
maklize on eBay
c. 1781 [dated 1750] Gilles Robert de Vaugondy: "POLOGNE, [Page] No. 11," 6 x 6 inches, in versions colored with wildly different boundaries, from
one of the many different atlases licensed to use this plate, which has pre-partition boundaries.
c. 1782-84 [dated 1782] Gilles Robert de Vaugondy: "POLOGNE, [Page] No. 11," 6 x 6 inches, in versions with wildly different boundaries, from one
of the many different atlases licensed to use this plate, which has pre-partition boundaries.
1786 [dated] Tomas Lopez: "REYNO de
POLONIA..," Madrid, 45 x 52 cm. See the
undated c. 1809 version, and a smaller
1792 Lopez map. From Biblioteca Nacional de